Sunday, February 28, 2016

Semaine 7 - Homework 2

Rephrase the sentences according to the exemple:

Je porte ma jupe tous le jurs. -   Je LA porte tous les jours.

1. Le petit chat noir réclame sa gamelle. Display virtual keyboard interface
2. Garfield apprécie beaucoup les lasagnes. Display virtual keyboard interface
3. Pierre aime la campagne. Display virtual keyboard interface
4. Je mange du chocolat. Display virtual keyboard interface
5. J'ouvre la porte. Display virtual keyboard interface
6. Je fais mon intéressant. Display virtual keyboard interface
7. Tu as mangé un gâteau au chocolat. Display virtual keyboard interface
8. Papa remplit le réservoir d'essence. Display virtual keyboard interface
9. Grand-mère prépare un délicieux clafoutis. Display virtual keyboard interface
10. Je regarde la télévision

Semaine 7 - Homework 1

Re-phrase the sentences with the use of the expression "ne....que" - only

Question 1.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Je te parlerai seulement quand tu seras plus raisonnable. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 1 in a new window.
End of Question 1

Question 2.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Elle veut seulement un sandwich. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 2 in a new window.
End of Question 2

Question 3.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Les Desjardins ont seulement deux enfants. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 3 in a new window.
End of Question 3

Question 4.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

On peut ouvrir seulement une fenêtre. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 4 in a new window.
End of Question 4

Question 5.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Il y a des fleurs seulement devant la maison. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 5 in a new window.
End of Question 5

Question 6.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Nous nous reverrons seulement dans deux mois. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 6 in a new window.
End of Question 6

Question 7.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

J'ai lu ce livre seulement parce que tu me l'as recommandé. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 7 in a new window.
End of Question 7

Question 8.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Il va suivre seulement trois cours