Sunday, February 28, 2016

Semaine 7 - Homework 1

Re-phrase the sentences with the use of the expression "ne....que" - only

Question 1.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Je te parlerai seulement quand tu seras plus raisonnable. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 1 in a new window.
End of Question 1

Question 2.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Elle veut seulement un sandwich. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 2 in a new window.
End of Question 2

Question 3.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Les Desjardins ont seulement deux enfants. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 3 in a new window.
End of Question 3

Question 4.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

On peut ouvrir seulement une fenĂȘtre. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 4 in a new window.
End of Question 4

Question 5.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Il y a des fleurs seulement devant la maison. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 5 in a new window.
End of Question 5

Question 6.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Nous nous reverrons seulement dans deux mois. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 6 in a new window.
End of Question 6

Question 7.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

J'ai lu ce livre seulement parce que tu me l'as recommandĂ©. .    [Special Characters]

Open Hint for Question 7 in a new window.
End of Question 7

Question 8.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

Il va suivre seulement trois cours

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